We believe in making an impact on the world and the people around us. Your mission as a gym owner is to inspire people and to change lives. Our mission as a sales and branding agency is to ensure that you are able to that while simultaneously achieving the financial success and freedom you deserve. Our mission is to make sure that YOU own your business, not that your BUSINESS owns you.

The short answer is that we will change your life. The more detailed response is that we are not an ad agency or lead-gen company. We build ACTUAL businesses. We provide you with all the tools you will ever need to run the most successful gym you could have ever dreamed of. From sales training, to brand development, to giving you all of the systems, revenue streams, and training protocols we have used in our clubs to continually generate $3M a year in revenue year in and year out.

Built From The Ground Up
From our beginnings as an outdoor boot camp, to multiple clubs with membership numbers between 1,200-1,800 each. Gym Rev Rx is built by gym owners for gym owners.

To save you 6 years. Or maybe 10. Or maybe to save you from closing down your dream altogether. Understand that this isn’t just a consulting company. This is a company who’s founder has walked through the same fires you have. We understand the struggles and the frustrations. We experienced them year after year after year and only after countless failures and years working to adapt and correct them, have we developed a system that ACTUALLY works and is still ACTUALLY being used in our clubs currently. The sad truth is that most gyms fail. More of 80% of them in fact. And even if they do survive. They are doing just that. Surviving. A few might make it to $500k/year in annual revenue. Even less make it to $1M. And less than 1% make it to the $3M that we do. We aim to change that. Let us show you how to 2x, 3x, 10x, your annual revenue.
The bottom line is that we are here to make an impact to your business within the first 60 days. Period. Yes we are here to hand over the systems, sales and customer service training, promotions, and everything else that will increase revenue month over month and grow your club. But most importantly we are here to gain your trust and belief in our ability and so our main goal is to generate revenue and members for you… QUICKLY.
What To Do Next
STEP 1: Schedule a time for a free phone consultation so a gym agent can assess your needs and to see if we can help to 2x, 5x, or even 10x your business.